Welcome To Flowery Branch Chiropractic
Flowery Branch Chiropractic is a wellness based family practice focused on safe, effective and long-lasting chiropractic care to help patients regain their health. Spinal pain and dysfunction are managed without drugs, surgery or lifestyle alterations through chiropractic care! We are active in our community to encourage healthy lifestyles for people of all ages. Our commitment is to give better living through safe, gentle and effective chiropractic services.
If you would like to visit our office, feel free to contact us today at (770) 967-1900.
One of the most important elements of chiropractic care is diagnostics. Chiropractic radiology is a tool utilized in care as a diagnostic practice to rule out pathology (such as possible tumor or fracture) and/or an additional aid to determine where to adjust the spine.
Electro Stim Therapy
Electrotherapy is an alternative pain management treatment option that involves the use of mild electromagnetic pulses to provide relief for the patient. This treatment option can dull pain, repair tissue, strengthen muscles, and even improve your blood circulation.
Pregnancy Care
Our prenatal care is gentle and safe. We aim to alleviate the stress and strains of pregnancy while improving comfort for both the mother and baby.
Personal Injury
Our goal is to help you receive the proper care after a personal injury, auto accident or fall.
Sports injury
Sports can be very taxing on your body, no matter what you play. Our trusted staff will work with you to get to the root of your problem and help you feel better again. We help treat and also prevent injuries in the neck, back, shoulders, knees, and ankles. We are able to manually adjust your spine, relieving any pain that you are feeling. This will allow your body to function much better after the injury.